The Nordic Fit


Grey and Navy

One of my jackets that hasn't featured here so far, this grey Havana fit jacket from SuitSupply is one of my go to jackets, especially for work. The fabric of the jacket looks more like wool than cotton, but it is 100% cotton. Due to its feel and the fit of the jacket it makes a great slightly more formal sport coat that is especially at home at work.

So, the jacket is from SuitSupply, the shirt from SuitSupply, tie from E. Marinella, belt from Equus Leather, trousers from Incotex, socks from Bexley and shoes from Meermin.

This E. Marinella tie is definitely one of my favorite ties. Bought from Malford of London long before he set up shop, it works beautifully both with a suit and a more formal sport coat combination.

A close up that shows the rather interesting weave of this cotton fabric quite well. The fabric actually breathes very well and is comfortable even in a very warm weather.

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